Why Pelvic Floor Weights can strengthen your Pelvic Floor more than Kegels alone

Pelvic Floor Weights, often known as Kegel Weights or vaginal weights, are tools used to apply additional load to the pelvic floor with the purpose of increasing strength, endurance and co-ordination. They can be used to apply the principle of progressive muscle overload for strength training and in this way, may just be superior to the plain old Kegel! 

The principle of progressive overload is a fundamental concept in strength training that involves gradually increasing the demands on a muscle or group of muscles over time. This progressive increase in resistance or load is essential for muscle growth, strength development, and improved performance. When it comes to the pelvic floor, the use of pelvic floor weights provides a unique way to incorporate this principle into your pelvic floor training to help with symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction – such as leaking with exercise or when you sneeze, vaginal heaviness and decreased sensation during intercourse. The Pelvic Floor is like any other muscle in the body - meaning if you wouldn't go to the gym every day just to do 100 body weight squats, why would you just contract and relax your pelvic floor over and over and expect to see a huge increase in your strength, endurance or tone?

Over time, the application of progressive overload to the pelvic floor muscles can yield a range of benefits, including improved continence, enhanced sexual function, and greater core stability. These advantages can significantly impact an individual's overall quality of life.

Pelvic floor weights can be more successful if the following are considered: 

  1. Establishing a baseline: It is recommended to establish a baseline level of pelvic floor strength and control before starting to use Pelvic Floor Weights. This can be done through simple exercises known as “Kegels” or pelvic floor exercises. This would look like turning your pelvic floor on and off in a lying, sitting or standing position. When you do this, think about the cues “holding in wind” or “holding in a wee”. You can also consult a Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist for a thorough assessment and individualised treatment plan.
  2. Starting with the lightest weight: After you have learnt how to contract and relax your pelvic floor, you will want to start with the lightest Pelvic Floor Weight. The BIEN Pelvic Floor Weight range starts at 60 grams and this is where we recommend that you start.
  3. Gradual Progression: Just as with traditional strength training, the key to success with pelvic floor weights is gradual progression. Initially, individuals should start with a weight that is manageable but challenging. The pelvic floor muscles are delicate and overloading them too quickly can lead to discomfort or injury. Over time, the weight can be increased as the muscles adapt and grow stronger.
  4. Consistency and Monitoring: Consistency is essential to see benefits from your pelvic floor strength program. Try to use your Pelvic Floor Weights at least 3 times per week on a regular basis and stay accountable by setting reminders on your phone or watch, to ensure regular use! 
  5. Varied Exercises: To ensure all aspects of pelvic floor strength are addressed, various exercises can be incorporated. Some suggestions of what they might look like you’re your pelvic floor strength is as follows:
    • Insert Pelvic Floor Weight for 15 minutes and walk around the house/complete house hold activities
    • Insert Pelvic Floor Weight and perform 10 reps of contracting and relaxing your pelvic floor. Have a break for 10 seconds and then repeat this 3 times.
    • Insert Pelvic Floor Weight and squeeze and contract your pelvic floor. Try to hold this tightened position for 10 seconds and then relax completely. Repeat this 10 times.


To shop our collection of Pelvic Floor weights click here.